Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Program Educational Objectives

PEO1. Demonstrate competitiveness of global opportunities for industry engagement, research, academic advancement or entrepreneurship as chemist.

PEO2. Exercise awareness in keeping abreast with technological and professional developments, in order to meet changing demands of the industry, research and academe.

PEO3. Engage in professional activities reflecting a profound faith in God, inspired by the spirituality of humble service, and committed to a continuous search for excellence.

Program Graduate Outcomes

PO1: Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and proficiency in core areas of chemistry (Analytical, Physical, Biochemistry, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry), alongside essential mathematics and physics principles.

PO2: Utilize a variety of laboratory techniques, employ innovative methodologies, and leverage modern instrumentation to collect data, address challenges, and promote personal and communal welfare within an ethical framework of science and technology with God as the center of endeavors making lives better for self and others.

PO3: Apply interdisciplinary principles and innovative technologies to solve complex chemistry-related problems, adapting to evolving academic and industrial landscapes.

PO4: Attain the requisite knowledge and competencies for further academic pursuits or entry-level professional roles, enhancing personal performance and productivity.

PO5: Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts. 

PO6: Collaborate effectively within diverse, multicultural teams, fostering collective progress and societal benefit.


With a BS Chem degree and professional license, a graduate can be employed as:

Program Curriculum

Other information

Philippine Qualifications Framework Level: L6

Mode of Study: Full time

Campus: Fr. Selga Campus (Main Campus)

Mode of Instruction: English