Program Details

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (BSPh)

A four-year bachelor's degree program which provides a broad spectrum of scientific training. It can lead to employment in a wide range of scientific fields, principally in higher education institutions, community drug stores, and hospitals, government agencies, research establishments, public health, and the pharmaceutical industry. It also encompasses pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, household hazardous substances, drug delivery devices, and veterinary medicines. The main concern of Pharmacy Education is to provide the country with scientifically competent pharmacists to carry the full spectrum of pharmaceutical services required in health care delivery.

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy major in Clinical Pharmacy (BSPh - CP)

A one-year post-baccalaureate specialization degree program focused on patient-centered pharmacy practice. The program is conscientious in producing graduates who are value-laden and globally competent. It envisions bridging gaps in patient care, especially for the underserved. Also, the graduates are expected to advance health through excellence and innovation in pharmacy education, patient care, research, and community service.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (BSCh)

A four-year bachelor’s degree program focused on the fundamental principles of chemistry to meet the needs of the industry. It aims to produce graduates who comply with the current qualification requirements of professional chemists for local and overseas employment and entrepreneurship.