Admission to Clinical Pharmacy

General Overview


This page describes the policy on the enrollment procedures and retention to the program of the BS in Pharmacy major in Clinical Pharmacy (Regular and Working). 

This policy also aims to evaluate the appropriateness of students for admission and to make sure they are in a position to benefit from the provision of the program, that the establishment will make appropriate demands of the student, and that their enthusiasm for the course of study and the institution is prominent.

This policy applies to all incoming 5th year Clinical pharmacy students (Regular) and Clinical Pharmacy for Working Pharmacists (on its first year of the program).


Regular Clinical Pharmacy Students – students are enrolled with the regular number of units per semester. Their curriculum is composed of two (2) semesters and one (1) summer.

Clinical Pharmacy for Working Pharmacists – students are enrolled in a program for two (2) years (composed of four (4) regular semesters and one (1) summer).

Requirements for Regular Clinical Pharmacy Students

The first three requirements must be submitted to for the coordinator;s initial evaluation. Other requirements are to be uploaded to the enrollment link once it's open.

Requirements for Working Pharmacists, Clinical Pharmacy Students

The first three requirements must be submitted to for the coordinator;s initial evaluation. Other requirements are to be uploaded to the enrollment link once it's open.

Enrollment Procedure